I had an interesting conversation with
Edward Amsden yesterday.
The crux of it was his claim that modern functional languages do an
incredibly poor job of scoping data definitions. By comparison, languages
like Scheme, ML, and Haskell can easily and cleanly scope any value you
give it through let
and lambda
. And the variables bound by these forms
don’t have a large scope or a long life time: they don’t live as a top-level
definition. So why do ADTs?
The language Idris
introduces name spaces, which help ease the problem,
but they still require programmers to define data types in a
namespace-global way:
namespace Foo
data Env a where
Empty : Env a
Ext : a -> Env a -> Env a
interp : Exp -> Env Val -> Val
interp = ...
It’s interesting, though. If I would like to define an interpreter of type
Exp -> Val
which implicitly uses some environment to find the result
without wishing to expose it to the user, I can easily write the full
version inside in even Haskell:
interp :: Exp -> Val
interp e = interpH e []
interpH :: Exp -> Env Val -> Val
interpH = ...
And yet, the environment here must still be exposed in the global namespace of the local module:
data Env a = Empty | Ext a Env
This is globally exposed: not only does interpH
use it, but any other piece
of code is free to use this environment definition anywhere in the module.
The philosophical argument behind functional programming that that
functions are first-class values. So why do we insist that functions
should get this treatment, but data-type declarations do not?
That’s the crux: why can’t I also define lexically-scoped data, close to the way I can define lexically-scoped helper functions? Ideally, I’d like to write this code:
interp :: Exp -> Val
interp e = interpH e []
data Env = Empty | Ext a Env
interpH :: Exp -> Env Val -> Val
interpH = ...
I want the entire type of Env
lexically enclosed, just like helper
functions are. And further, I’d like for every definition to get such
treatment. Even type-class instances should get this! If it’d like, I should
be able to write this code:
interp :: Exp -> Val
interp e = interpH e []
data Env = Empty | Ext a Env
instance (Show Env) where
interpH :: Exp -> Env Val -> Val
interpH = ...
It’s the case that Idris
does support this, quite nicely. (David
Christiansen has provided this code.)
module Teeeest
fnord : Nat -> Nat
fnord z = case Bar of
Bar => S z
Something => z
where data Foo = Bar | Something
--- REPL
*Teeest> fnord 5
6 : Nat
*Teeest> Foo
(input):1:1:No such variable Foo
*Teeest> Bar
(input):1:1:No such variable Bar
It’s likely this works in Agda
, too. And this is important; data
definitions should be subject lexical scoping. Why should functions get
preferential treatment?